The next currency for space conquest will be the "I" token

The "I" stands for imagination I magination refers to the ability to form mental images, ideas, or concepts of things that are not present in the physical world or that have not been experienced directly. It involves the creation of new ideas, the visualization of hypothetical scenarios, and the exploration of possibilities beyond the immediate reality. Imagination is a key component of creativity, problem-solving, and innovation, and is essential to many aspects of human cognition, including language, perception, memory, and reasoning. It can be stimulated by various factors, such as sensory input, emotions, memories, and cultural experiences. Today is the birthdate of the "I" token currency I t is possible to link the launch of the Starship 24 by Elon Musk's SpaceX to the initial kick off of the "I" token. The Starship 24 is a highly anticipated event in the space industry, and it could provide a strong signal of support for space exploration and c...